The horse people deal is galloping ever nearer but – apologies for the metaphor – there is still a large fence to hurdle. From our perspective, it’s all about the payment conditions and the deposit. She – the Canadian women – says it’s all about trust. That is, the lack of trust she has in our agency and owner with whom they have zero experience. Therefore and ergo, they’d like to pay a bit less (we’ve agreed) and withhold a chunk of payment (not agreed) until nearly the end of the contracted period. I point out the following:
- You don’t know Ideal Housing and conversely, Ideal Housing does not know you and your horse act. Trust, therefore, is mutually weak/strong and/or present/absent and/or ying/yang as neither of us knows each other.
- Your proposal to withhold a not very small chunk of change until the last fortnight of the deal creates an uncomfortable feeling. Should you decide not to pay and run (or canter) over the curve of the earth and head into the sunset, then the deposit would be too meager to cover the missing rental payment and compensate for possible damages.
“But we do not plan to do damages.” I breathe deep, “That’s why they are *potential* damages and not *planned* damages.” There is a silence on the line. Have I made my point? No. “But in
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What a great blog!!!
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