The month of March - beware - displays the same alarming turnover profile as most other months. Namely,
- A couple of early deals in the first couple of days create the false, hollow, and deceptive impression that a trend has set in that will take us to the moon.
- Drought. Sweat, tears, but no deals. Concern is swallowed by consternation.
- Mid-month (or thereabouts) an event either catastrophic for the forecast or suspicioulsy positive. This month it's the positive variant as the horse-people deal got a verbal go yesterday.
- The last weeks of month, a depression from the east descends like a blanket of cloud - a cloud of acid vapour. Tempers fray, dispositions realign, the timid become monsters, and the monsters become bigger and louder. Accusations start to wing their way between members of the consulting team.
Cut to:
- Ginny: You stole my property. I was about to make a deal on the Singel. You knew that!
- Jimmy: But your viewing isn't until Monday. My client viewed and said yes this morning.
- Ginny: Client thief.
- Jimmy: Property thief.
Klaas pretends to be so engrossed in an email that he doesn't register this acrid interchange. He's secretly wishing he wasn't the sales manager.
- Ginny: Anyway, you sweat a lot and I'll still be the top consultant.
Klass draws a slow breath.
- Klaas: Will you two either shut up or take your pathetic little discussion into the conference room?
Cut back:
- The last few days of the month and the flood gates crash open as new deals wash in. Finance curses because invoices need making; back office curses because contracts need making; property manages curse because property owners need chasing for their full details to go into contracts.
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